Category EAEV L20 The Effects of Heavy Metal Contamination on Various Aquatic


Abstract The Saginaw Bay Watershed has been identified as an area of concern

by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency due to the presence of

various metal contaminants. When soil samples in the Bay Region were

taken, concentrations of aluminum, arsenic, chromium, copper, lead,

mercury, nickel, and zinc were found. This study assesses the uptake

and bioconcentrations of heavy metals by aquatic organisms (Daphnia

Magna, Ramhorn Snails, Elodea Canadensis, and Freshwater

Mussels). The standard solutions were created bearing concentrations

of 1 ppm of lead, chromium, and aluminum. The uptake of the metals

was analyzed by measuring changes in solution concentration using a

PerkinElmer Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The hypothesis

was supported. Exposure to heavy metals caused an increase in the

heart rate of Daphnia Magna. The Ramhorn snails were able to uptake

more than twenty-five percent of the metal contaminant, the Elodea

Canadensis was able to uptake more than fifty percent of the metal

contaminant and the freshwater mussels were able to uptake more than

seventy percent of the metal contaminant. Because of such high

uptake levels by the Elodea Canadensis, it may be a potential source

for phytoremediation.

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